Over the traditional forms of advertisement, we prefer the promotion of the technologies used in our company by means of case studies and practical use cases. Therefore, we are looking for suitable projects.
Do not hesitate to contact us, if:
- you are active in research and development of technological facilities and you seek for alternative methods for the whole path from the desing till the functional part or component;
- you are engaged in the re-construction, modifications, tuning of the machines or custom machine engineering;
- you are dealing with innovative materials and their properties and capable of executing testing and benchmark studies;
- you have running or prepared your own project employing 3D printing technology, but the available materials and printers are not fully addressing your needs;
- you possess knowledge and skills from the anthropometrics and ergonomics with ideas and/or projects for their application in the field of custom design and production;
- you are active in the field of medical applications, for which the mentioned technologies could mean a possible solution;
- you have other particular idea about the exploiting possibilities for technologies, products and services of our company…
For setting up a cooperation any formal prerequisites are required only to the minimum necessary extent. The crucial aspects at assessing the prospective partners and projects are the overall quality of subject elaboration, originality and feasibility of the idea, as well as the persistency and dedication of the authors at the execution of their intentions.